How to Put Magpul Moe Stock on Airsoft Gun

How to Put Magpul Moe Stock on Airsoft Gun

Fancy optics are great, simply sometimes information technology's nice to kick it sometime schoolhouse with some fe (or polymer) sights.

I like fe sights. When I'm using a loftier-powered scope I sometimes feel like all I accept to practice is pull the trigger to hit my target. There's skill involved, for sure, just information technology isn't quite like Atticus Finch taking care of business at 100 yards.

Magpul has a dandy reputation for quality, and their MBUS polymer "irons" are reasonably priced at $57.95 for the rear sight and $39.95 for the front sight. Both sights fold down if you're using a ruddy dot or scope, and they can be flipped support with a simple push button of a button.

If you're looking for something a little more durable, Magpul likewise offers an MBUS Pro line made entirely of steel.


Remember those old Geico commercials virtually cavemen? Installing the MBUS sights is kind of like that—easy. Magpul includes instructions in the packaging, so I won't repeat what y'all can read for yourself. But I find pictures to be helpful for any installation, and then I'll briefly describe the process.

Start by using a flathead screwdriver or the supplied tool to remove the retention screws.

This tool comes with the front sight, but it can be used to remove the retentivity screws from both sights.

I didn't have whatever trouble removing each spiral. I too found out that it's a piddling easier to install the sights when they're folded down.

The sights are designed to slide onto a MIL-STD-1913 Picatinny/STANAG 4694 receiver rails, which means that as long as you didn't buy your AR from Shady Steve down the street, they'll fit your firearm.

Slide the sights onto the runway so that the sight aperture and post are facing the rear of the gun. For the rear sight, yous'll want to pull your charging handle dorsum before installing the sight.

Make certain to mount the sight far enough frontwards so that information technology doesn't impede the charging handle.

The forepart sight was a trivial snug on my Radical Firearms quad rail, merely it slid on with a petty elbow grease.

While you tin place your irons at any point along the rail, the altitude between the front and rear sight should be as large as possible. This allows you lot to more hands run across small movements in your point of aim.

Subsequently y'all have the sights where you want them, simply reinstall and tighten the retention screws. Don't get crazy with the torque—too much tightening can impairment the polymer sights.

Just get them snug. As long equally they're not moving, you're good to become.

Slice of block!

The sights can exist deployed by pushing the large button on the front of the sight or the two smaller buttons on either side.

Both sides include hashed flaps that can be pushed to deploy the sights.

You tin also push the large button located on the front of the sight.

The rear sight also includes two discontinuity sizes: a pocket-sized opening for longer range targeting and a big opening for closer ranges.

This is a prissy characteristic for such affordable irons.


Equally you might wait, at that place's some fence as to the proper distance for zeroing fe sights. The nearly common distances are 50 and 100 yards, though I've likewise heard of shooters zeroing out to 200.

Here's what the target looks like at fifty yards.

You lot can make up one's mind what's best for you and your shooting needs, but I tend to zero at closer distances. My eyes aren't the greatest, then I can't actually tell at 100 yards if I'm moving my bespeak of aim. At fifty yards I can more precisely aim at the center of the target, so that's the distance I usually cypher iron sights. Plus, zeroing at fifty yards means I don't have to worry equally much about property under at close ranges.

I opted for zeroing the sights at fifty yards, though I tin can see the advantages of 25 yards and 100 yards.

Zeroing atomic number 26 sights is much like zeroing a scope. Start with the target at 20 or 25 yards to become yourself on paper and motion out from there.

I started at 25 yards. The atomic number 26 sight adjustments worked perfectly—you can see the point of impact move upward with each shot.

The front MBUS sight adjusts for height (using the supplied tool) and the rear sight adjusts for windage (using the dial). Both sights include directional arrows so yous tin can tell which fashion to plow the dial to adjust your signal of aim.

The dial has tactile clicks and then you know exactly how far you've moved the sight.

The forepart sight adjusts for elevation using a simple tool.

The corporeality each click volition motility your point of aim depends on the altitude between the front and rear sight. According to Magpul, the rear sight adjusts ~0.7 MOA per click with a 14.5″ sight radius and ~0.five MOA (0.547″/100m) per click with a 20″ sight radius. The front sight adjusts ~1.half-dozen MOA per click with a 14.five″ sight radius, and ~ane.2 MOA per click with a 20″ sight radius.

I didn't have much problem. I started at 25 yards and kept moving back until I got a decent group at l yards.

The last five or six shots are all inside a little more one inch. For iron sights, I called it good.

I stopped adjusting afterward a while because it was tough to tell my precise signal of aim. But at the distances I'll be shooting with irons, I'one thousand satisfied with these results. Those last five or six shots were all within a decent 1-inch group. And, if I always want to dial information technology downward a little more precisely, I'm confident that the sight adjustments will piece of work like they're supposed to the side by side time I'm at the range.


Overall, installing and zeroing Magpul'south MBUS polymer iron sights was a surprisingly painless procedure. I'll definitely consider these sights for my next AR build, and I'd 100 pct recommend them to anyone in the market for an affordable fix of backup sights.


About the Author: Jordan Michaels is a new catechumen to the gun world. A Canadian immigrant to the United states of america, he recently became an American denizen and is happily enjoying his newly-acquired 2nd Amendment freedoms. He's a communications professional, a political junkie, and an gorging basketball fan.

About the author: Jordan Michaels has been reviewing firearm-related products for over 6 years and enjoying them for much longer. With family in Canada, he's seen first paw how quickly the right to self-defense can be stripped from constabulary-abiding citizens. He escaped that statist paradise at a young historic period, married a 6th-generation Texan, and currently lives in Tyler. Got a hot tip? Send him an email at

How to Put Magpul Moe Stock on Airsoft Gun

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